Hey folks, sorry it’s been a few weeks since the last post, but I’ve been busy with work, family, the holidays, and of course…my little hunter site.
I just wanted to let you all know that I wil be transferring the guild back to Kul Tiras sometime during the second week of December. Blizz imposes a 30 day ‘cooldown’ on guild transfers, which means I can’t bring it back until 30 days have elapsed since the hijacking…lol…sorry, Iomain, but I couldn’t resist. ๐
Once the guild is back on Kul Tiras, I’ll then have to disband it and re-invite those of you that wish to continue on with Clan Destined – which I’m assuming is most of you, considering you’ve stuck around this long. Unfortunately, this process is going to orphan many of our inactive members, but it is what it is…not much I can do about it. The guild we’re in right now is only ‘Clan Destined’ in name — the real Clan Destined is sitting on Dragonblight right now, awaiting transfer back to KT. Once the guild is back, we all have to then rejoin it, at which point we can start picking up the pieces and moving forward.
So…get ready to start donating all of your gold, mats and crafted items. ๐
If any of you know how to reach any of our possibly-returning-inactive-veterans, please let them know what’s going on. I’d hate for any of these returning players to get the impression they were kicked for not being around, so if you have an opportunity to get the message out I’d appreciate it.
At any rate… it may not seem like much is happening, but that’s because we’re in a holding pattern. Things are moving forward, however, so just sit tight for a bit. I’ll have more announcements as the transfer back draws nearer.
Drackmire says
^ Orphaned:)
Garwulf says
It’s alright Drack. I hope you’re not sad over this. You’ll always be welcome back in Clan Destined should you decide to play again.
If you start to feel down, just hum a happy tune…
“Just thinkin’ about tomorrow…clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow…’til there’s none…”
So just stick out your chin, and grin, and say…
“I could get an invite tomorrow…Gar would have me back in the guild tomorrow, if I want to play…”
Delaney says
Holy wow, I need to log onto my mage more often. I’ve left her in CD all these years because even as my main(s) changed, went horde and back and move around looking for the right place to raid CD will always be home. I will be stalking Blaq so I can get a re-invite when the real CD returns to KT.
I signed the charter you can never get rid of me.
Blaquespell says
Send me a tell if you see me on, I’ll add you to my friends list so I can be sure to find you. My list has been wiped a few times ๐
Garwulf says
Hi Delaney! It’d be great to have you back and active again with the guild. It’s been a long time. ๐