I’m moving the guild back to Kul Tiras today at some point. Prior to the move I’ll have to disband the placeholder guild we’re all in now. This is so we can retain the name, otherwise I could keep both guilds active and just invite people over as they log on, but…I’d prefer not to have to change the name, then pay another fee to change it back later.
I’ll be appointing Blaquespell as interim GM once the guild is back on KT. I’m not certain, but there may be a couple day cooldown on promotions for new invites, so Blaq may be the guy to hit up for re-invites right after the transfer. Once I’m able to be given GM, Blaq will then hand it back and we’ll move ahead as planned. That is…unless he gets power-hungry and mutinous, and g-kicks me in a hostile takeover.
Blizzard was not at all helpful when it came to addressing my concerns about lost reputation and so forth, so I’m just going to assume that those of you re-joining will resume at your previous level of reputation. Just don’t – for any reason – join a different guild first or it will wipe your saved rep.
Those of you that want a re-invite, just send a tell to either Blaq or myself and we’ll get you home.
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