Matching Rings have been traded for long periods of time. They have a long-standing history dating back to ancient times when promise rings were used as a way to secure a pact between two people such as a person and God or cities, and even the ocean!
The 16th or 17th century, promise rings became a standard symbol for expressing love or friendship, a tradition that has been carried on to current times. Due to the increasing popularity of weddings and engagements it is not easy for many to understand about what function promise rings are playing in the 21st century.
Are promise rings only for couples? Not at all!
Mostly, but not exclusively romantic couples exchange vow rings these days. And just because a promise rings is exchanged with a couple, doesn’t mean that the promise is romantic by nature.
Your promise ring may have many different meanings, as every promise is unique. Here are some things to keep in mind for every level of commitment:
Kinds of Promise Rings
What promises do you want to keep? The more commitment you make to make, the more valuable the jewelry.
A ring doesn’t always mean love…or marriage. Certain couples can use a ring to symbolize and showcase eternal friendship and a bond of love and affection which will not be broken. The rings can be exchanged between friends or worn on the right hand.
What to buy: The best friendships don’t need to make an impressive grand. Simple, elegant bands will suffice. A band with a faceted design (pictured left) or twisted band made from a unique metal offers modern appearance, whereas an intricately engraved band could be a wonderful choice for those who love vintage.
Future Engagement
Over time promise rings were frequently given to ‘promise’ an engagement in the future. They were often thought of as a pre-engagement ring that was meant to showcase the seriousness and sincerity of a partnership. The promise ring could still be used as a sign of engagement, but the receiver must be clear about this.
What To Buy The promise rings that represent pre-engagement should be less formal than an actual engagement ring. The beauty of a thin band featuring a small solitaire diamond can be subtle, however, it clearly demonstrates your determination to take your relationship to the next level. Selecting a distinctive metal, such as rose gold, will help identify it from an engagement ring.If your spouse is fond of the look of bling the eternity ring with stones makes a stunning design. It can easily be worn with any other rings that may arrive in the years to follow!
A Lifetime Commitment
It is less favored by millennials who wait longer to get married. Promise rings can be exchanged by couples who might not be at the point of getting married, but would like to prove their dedication to one another. If using promise rings to show a lifetime commitment to one another, both parties should wear a ring.
What to buy Rings that match are great wedding rings. A simple band adorned with diamonds would work for these rings too But why not make your rings more unique than your love for each other? To enhance any ring it is possible to engrave images and messages of love. The more personal the ring is and the more unique, the better.
One of the most beautiful examples we’ve seen of this are fingerprint rings. Engraving your partner’s unique fingerprint on your ring isn’t just romantic, but it’s also a continuous reminder of the special bond you share with your spouse!
Another Promise
The significance of a vow ring might not be clear to everyone besides the couple. The rings could have symbolic meaning, or be a secret promise that is too private and profound to share with anyone else. There is no limit on what a promise ring can–or be able to symbolize in a relationship.
What to Buy? Use your senses to guide you. You are able to choose any of the options above, so long as they help you remember and cherish your commitment.
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Are Couple Rings Just for Couples? 10 months, 2 weeks ago